
How To Upload Animated Gif As Cover

Can A Facebook Cover Photo Be A Gif? Yes, Here's How

When a potential client goes onto a business' Facebook page, the commencement thing they see is the page'due south encompass photo (or comprehend video). So, as the manager of a Facebook folio, this is a location where yous want to infuse vital information to concenter the customer and get them to curlicue farther.

How do y'all upload a GIF as a Facebook cover? To upload a GIF as a Facebook comprehend, yous will need to first convert the file to a video format. Later on, you will be able to upload the new video file.

Consider using a Facebook cover video template for a quick solution. Choose from templates, customize graphics and text, save video, and upload to Facebook.

If yous have tried uploading a GIF to your Facebook cover, you may have already discovered that, although a video or a photograph tin can exist uploaded as a Facebook cover, Facebook does not support the GIF file format. If you endeavour to upload a GIF as your cover photograph, Facebook will automatically convert the GIF into a JPEG and choose the first all the same image as the embrace photograph instead.

What is a GIF?

What exactly is a GIF in the first place? The term GIF is an acronym that stands for "Graphics Interchange Format." Putting information technology simply, a GIF (pronounced "breath" or "gif" depending on your preference) is just an animated image file. They take become very popular recently, but the GIF file format is, in fact, two years older than the net itself. Since GIFS are neither JPEGs (or a still image) nor are they videos, they tin can exist a little catchy to use on social media posts.

Well, then you are probably wondering why you would desire to utilize a GIF as opposed to a video or just a picture if that is the case? Well, firstly, GIFs are typically shorter than videos and do not require audio to convey a message. So, a viewer tin get a big clamper of information in a time-saving style (which also looks good for a make's image). Also, a GIF can communicate more than than a single withal prototype can.

GIFs are more accessible than videos also. There are thousands of free GIFs bachelor on the spider web, and thousands more are being created every day. About of these are available for complimentary without the added worry of copyright. And so, someone looking to utilize a GIF tin hands find the right one to download and use.

Likewise, GIFs play on repetition such that, if y'all are trying to shell a message into a viewer's head, they volition see it on repeat several times earlier they take the urge to stop watching it. If a video is on autoplay and you lot do not want to watch it, y'all will but curlicue on to the next thing, but with a GIF, you are probable to stare at it three or four times before you have even considered moving on.

GIFs are too cheap, easy to create, and yet, tin can still exist sophisticated. Videos, on the other paw, are not usually on the cheap or like shooting fish in a barrel to create.

Where Tin Y'all Go GIFs From?

Accessing a GIF file is uncomplicated with several open-source sites available where you tin can readily download or use GIFs. Finding the right GIF can exist every bit simple equally typing a phrase into a search engine and calculation the word GIF at the end. Proceed in heed though, a GIF is not what nosotros need for Facebook, a video is. is a whole GIF search engine of its own and a great identify to find thousands of open up source GIFs. These GIFs can also be downloaded directly unto your PC or a phone if yous accept downloaded the GIPHY app.

There are other GIF search engines available for gratuitous as well. There are also several apps where you lot can easily have several pictures and convert them into your own GIF. Live photos on smartphones operate like GIFs and can exist uploaded to GIF-making sites and farther edited likewise.

Even so, for a Facebook Comprehend, you will need a video file. You can either observe a GIF and convert information technology to a video, or merely find a video to brainstorm with.

To keep this process unproblematic, nosotros recommend using a Facebook encompass video template. They are pre-fabricated templates that can be customized to your needs. Just pick the layout you like best, and beginning adding your ain images and text.

These will download as a video file, and make uploading to Facebook quick and easy.

Is Uploading a GIF the Aforementioned as Uploading a Video?

GIFs and videos are non the same matter. Although you take to convert your GIF to a video file format before being able to apply it as your Facebook embrace, to the ane viewing it, it volition still be interpreted in their mind as a GIF. Basically, a viewer volition perceive a GIF on your cover as a film as opposed to a video.

Information technology is advisable to utilise a GIF when yous want to invoke a quick emotional response from an audience or when you want to express an emotional response yourself. GIFs tin summarize a lot of information into a single action or a unmarried facial expression or a unmarried caption.

However, information technology is advisable to apply a video when the message you desire to convey cannot be expressed within seconds. There may exist technical facts you wish to communicate or a pitch you would like to brand to a group that volition take more than merely a couple seconds. Just, go along in mind that with your Facebook cover, yous likewise cannot go over a minute and a one-half (or 90 seconds), so you still need to keep your videos brusk, still.

Check out this link to run across another absurd ways GIFs can be used in marketing for a company.

Converting Your GIF to a Video Format

Even though your GIF will demand to exist converted to a video file, it is however possible to upload a GIF every bit a cover photograph. The easiest way to do this is to merely catechumen the file'south format to a video format that meets the requirements laid out by Facebook. After this, upload the converted file instead of the GIF file. There are a few means to go almost this process outlined below:

Option One: Convert Your GIF to a Video File Using a Video Editing Software

As mentioned before, one of the easiest methods to get a GIF uploaded unto your Facebook cover is to convert your GIF to a video file. If you have whatever form of video editing software on your figurer, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Filmora or iMovie, you can do this in four simple steps:

  • STEP 1 – Open up the video editing software on your reckoner
  • STEP two – Import your GIF to a blank projection inside your video editing software
  • STEP 3 – Almost video editing software take similar features, a timeline, a media browser, etc. Once your GIF has uploaded, you can drag it downwards to the timeline in your video editing software.
  • STEP 4 – Go to your export options. Within the export media box that should be open at this betoken, cull a common video format such as MPEG, MP4, or MOV. The GIF will export equally a new video, and you can now upload this new video to Facebook as a cover video.

Option Two: A Different Way to Convert GIFs to Video Files

While the first method works great on a computer, if you lot have video editing software, there are many circumstances where you may non accept one or both things (i.e., the PC and the software). What if you are trying to upload the GIF to your Facebook cover from your mobile device instead? What if y'all do not have video editing software, and yous do non want to download one for this sole purpose?

As well, non all video editing software can exist used on a smartphone. So, if for any reason method one is non ideal for y'all, another fashion you can convert a GIF to a uniform video file is to discover a software that volition catechumen the file for you lot:

  • Stride 1 – Download the app "GIF to Video", available for Android here or "GIF Cracker", available for iPhone here.
  • STEP two – Make certain your GIF is on your smartphone.
  • Pace three – On Android, all the GIFs in your gallery announced automatically in the app. Just select the GIF you lot want to convert and click convert. On an iPhone, if the GIF does not announced automatically in the app, click refresh (it should be a GIF in your image gallery). Select the GIF>Video tab on your options at the lesser of the page and select the GIF you wish to convert. A convert pop up window will testify up.
  • STEP 4 – Adjust the settings of your video to encounter Facebook'southward guidelines before exporting.

Facebook Cover Video Specifications

Facebook has laid out the following recommendations for uploading a comprehend video, outlining the file size, video dimensions, and its time duration:


The cover should accept a minimum size of 820 pixels wide 10 312 pixels high. Just, several third-party video-editing software companies recommend a size of 820 x 462 pixels for best results because of the way it will exist viewed on different devices (more on this below).

The additional height of 75 pixels at the top and bottom of your prototype is cropped out when someone views your page on the Desktop version of Facebook. Merely the extra acme is good for the attribute ratio of mobile devices.

You can manually adapt the size of the video you will get from converting your GIF file in the process. If y'all are using method 1, after clicking on export and selecting the file format you desire, the width and the height of the resulting video can be adjusted within the same dialogue box.

If you are using method 2, you can also manually adjust the dimensions of your video within the app y'all are using. Later selecting catechumen in Gif to Video, the app will give additional instructions on this. On GIF Cracker, the dimensions are in the window that shows up when you select your GIF to catechumen.

Once again, this is where using a template will be handy because it comes pre-formatted to all of Facebook'due south requirements.


The fourth dimension duration should be betwixt 20 and ninety seconds.

Near GIFs are not upwardly to twenty seconds long. If your GIF is too curt to meet the minimum fourth dimension duration on its ain, increase the number of times your converted video loops the footage of the original animation until the video meets the time required.

File Type

Facebook recommends MP4 and MOV file formats. You could apply other video file formats in your conversion, but this could cause an extra headache. Also, annotation that cover videos can accept a maximum resolution of 1080 pixels.

File Size

You should not take besides much of a problem with the file size, simply overall, Facebook accepts files up to a limit of 1.75GB, so make sure to proceed your video file under this size.

Additional Requirements

In addition to these things, Facebook requests that:

  • Your video cover should not be deceptive or misleading
  • Your video should not infringe upon any copyrights

How to Upload Your GIF/Video every bit a Facebook Cover

Now that you have your GIF converted to a video file, it is fourth dimension to upload the video every bit a cover on Facebook. This feature is only available on Facebook pages, not on an individual'southward profile folio. For contour pages, Facebook does take some native animations that you tin can pick as your cover photo.

  1. First, head over to your Facebook Folio. Where the encompass is shown, you will see a video icon and the words "change cover" next to the icon. Click on this.
  2. A dropdown box will appear. Select the option "Upload photo/video."
  3. A window will appear that will allow you to choose a file from your computer. Select your converted video file. At this point, you will be able to drag to reposition your video.
  4. Your cover will automatically resize to an aspect ratio of 16:nine when yous upload information technology. Just it is viewed differently on different devices.

Note: On the Facebook mobile version, the sides of your comprehend volition be cut off, making information technology 360 pixels tall and 640 pixels wide. So, while you lot need to accept a minimum width of 820 pixels, you must recoup for the sides that volition exist cut off when viewing your page on mobile. Leave a "safe zone" of 90 pixels on each side and avoid having any vital role of your encompass in these margins. The cover templates mentioned earlier take intendance of this for you.

On the PC version of Facebook, the same cropping applies, but this time it occurs on the top and the bottom. This time, the image volition exist viewed every bit if it were 820 pixels ten 312 pixels. Once more, get out a prophylactic zone of 24 pixels at the pinnacle and the bottom where you lot do not put vital information such every bit a caption. If you lot're using a template, you don't need to worry near this.

Facebook lets you roll through up to 10 thumbnail options. Simply with a GIF, the best option for a thumbnail is virtually likely to be the commencement still image in the animation. Granted, this may not e'er exist the case.

When you are satisfied with your upload, select the "Salvage" option at the lesser left-paw corner of the embrace.

Take it for a Test Run

Now that your cover is uploaded, information technology is of import to open your Facebook page on dissimilar devices to see if the encompass appears the way that you intended it to in uploading it.

Trouble Uploading? Here Are Some Extra Tips

If your video is nevertheless not uploading unto Facebook, there is most likely an issue with the file size or the file specifications. Go back and double-cheque that your video meets all the requirements discussed above. If non, catechumen the file over again and make sure those corrections are made. So effort your upload again.

It could also be that there is an result with your browser speed: if the first does not utilize, check on the 2d to be sure.


You may take noticed that the audio on your Facebook cover is disabled by default. Since GIFs likewise do not store sound, it is likely that for your converted video, you will not need to actuate the audio at all; this should not pose any serious bug.


In this article, we bankrupt downwardly two of the about straight frontwards means to upload a GIF as a Facebook cover photo. While there are some other methods to go about uploading your GIF, these other methods are more than complicated and have up a lot of time. All in all, for the easiest way to utilize a GIF/Video as a Facebook cover photo, we recommend using a Facebook cover video template. They are quick and easy, and pre-formatted with all of Facebook's requirements in heed.


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